
1 Kasım 2020 Pazar


Kasım 01, 2020 0
II.Bayezıd döneminin (1481-1512) ünlü müderrislerinden Zeyrekzade Paşa Çelebi tarafından yaptırıldığı bilinmektedir.Medresede ilk ders verenlerden birisi gökderelizade Mehmed Efendi olduğundan yapı günümüzde bu isimle anılmaktadır ayrıca yapı "Paşa Çelebi Medresesi"ve kayhan çarşısı içinde bulunduğu için "Kayhan Medresesi"Olarak ta anılmaktadır açık avlu medreselerden olan yapı çift eyvanlıdır dikdörtgen planlı avlunun Doğu batı ve kuzey yönünde revaklar bulunmaktadır revakların arkasında on adet oda bulunmaktadır avlunun güney yönünde kubbeyle örtülü ve mihraplı bölüm (eyvan) eskiden dershane ve mescit olarak kullanılmıştır.2006.yılında Osmangazi belediyesi tarafından aslına uygun olarak restore edilmiştir

It is know that this madrasah was uilt by Zeyrekzade Pasha Çelebi, one of the famous madrasah teachers, during the reign of Bayezid II (1481-1512). As Gokderelizade Mehmet Efendi was one of the first persons who taught at this madrasah, this structure today is called with this name. It also is called ''Pasha Çelebi Madrasah'' ''Kayhan Madrasah'' becasuse of being situated in ''Covered Kayhan Market''This madrasah, which is one of those with an open courtyard, is built with a double iwan.
The courtyard, which is built w,th a rectangular plan, has riwaqs in eastern, western and northern dirention. Behind them, there are 10 rooms.The southern part of this courtyard is domed and has a mihrab (iwan); this section was used formerly as a classroom and as masjid.This stucture was restored in 2006 by Osmangazi Municipality according to its original plans

"Paşa Çelebi Medresesi
 Olarak ta anılan Gökdere medresesi 15.yüzyıl ortalarında Paşa Çelebi adındaki hayırsever ve bilgin bir kişi tarafından yaptırılmıştır medrese gökderelizade ahmed efendi (vefatı 1652) kayyımzade Mustafa Efendi (vefatı 1658) gibi şahsiyetler müderrislik yapmıştır yapı 1906.yılından sonra bir süreliğine kadınlar hapishanesi olarak kullanılmıştır zaman içinde neredeyse tamamen unutulan medrese birçok yakın zamanlı tarihi kaynakta "yok olup giden tarihi eser "olarak yer almıştır açık avlulu medreseler grubuna giren yapı güney yönünde Osmalı döneminde dersane olarak kullanılan bir ana eyvan ve kuzeyde giriş eyvanıyla çift eyvanlıdır kubbeli giriş eyvan'ından revaklı avluya geçilir on odası bulunan medresenin her bir odasında ocak bulunur.
Tarihi yapının "kurtulabilir durumda "olduğu tespit edilmesiyle birlikte Osmangazi belediyesinin Bursa  tarih ve kültür yolu canlandırma projesi ana başlığı altındaki tarihi ve kültürel mirası koruma ve yaşatma çalışmaları bünyesinde ele alınıp projelendirilmiştir kökeni vakıf olmasın a karşın Bursa da özel mülkiyete satılmış onlarca yapıdan biri olan medresenin kamulaştırma işlemlerine 2004. yılında başlanmış mülk sahibi ninde konuya olumlu yaklaşmasıyla birlikte işlemler kısa sürede sonuçlanmıştır medreseye ait rölöve restitüsyon ve restorasyon projeleri hazırlanarak 2005.yılı başlarında Bursa kültür ve tabiat varlıkları koruma bölge kuruluna onaylattırılmıştır projelerin müteakip uygulama ihalesi yapılarak hızlı bir şekilde aslına uygun olarak restore edilmiştir

This historic buılding called "paşa çelebi
 madrasah"reference to the information in the register of Bursa was build in 15th centruy by a charitable and a scholar person named paşa çelebi the madrasah includes 12 rooms and a large classroom(main inner court) the top face of dome of the madrasah is clothed with lead gökderelizade ahmed efendi (died in 1652) kayyımzade  mustafa efendi (died in 1658) were the popular scholars of the madrasah the building serves as a woman prison for a while  after 1906.The madrasah forgotten almost completely in the time takes place in many nearby historical sources as a dissolved historic building the building classifled in the open yard madrasah group has two inner courts the main one is located at the south it's used classroom in ottoman period and the other at the north entrance inner court opens into the court with colonnade the madrasah has ten rooms a cookstone is available at every room upon determination  of the historic building is reconstructable it has been projed under the protection and sustenance works of historic and cultural heritance under the main title of Bursa history and culture road reanimation project of our municipality althoungh the source is foundation nationalization procederus for the madrasah one of many historic buildings sold to the private proprietorship started in 2004 and with positive approach of the owner the procedure concluted in the short time building surveys restitution and restoration project implementation contract has been concluded by tender and restaration works was immediately started restaration finişhed by osmangazi municipality in 2006. gökdere madrasah culture center with character has been brung together with that is from Bursa again

13 Şubat 2019 Çarşamba


Şubat 13, 2019 0
Kara Timurtaş paşanın oğlu Oruç bey in kızı ve Fatih Sultan Mehmed in vezirlerinden Zağonos paşanın hanımı sıttı hatun tarafından yaptırılmıştır bulunduğu mahalle sebebiyle kanberler mektebi adıyla da anılmaktadır sıttı hatun tarafından aynı mahallede 1459 yılında yaptırılan cami ile aynı tarihte inşa edildiği düşünülmektedir Bursa sıttı hatun Sıbyan mektebi Osmanlı erken dönem mimarisinin en önemli sıbyan mektebi örneklerinden birisidir dikdörtgen planlı yan yana kubbeli iki bölüm halindedir yapılışından itibaren bir çok onarım geçiren mekteb en son 1956 ve 1962 yılında Bursa eski eserleri sevenler kurumu tarafından aslına ve özgün mimarisine sadık kalınarak restore edilmiştir.

the construction of this school was ordared by sıttı hatun the daughter of oruç bey son of karatimurtaş pasha and the wife of zaganos pasha one of the viziers of mehmed the congueror due to the neighbourhood in which it is situated it is also called kamberler school it is believed that it was built at the same times as a mosgue whose construction was ordered by sıttı hatun in the same neighbourhood the sıttı hatun sibyan school or sıttı hatuns primary school is one of the most important examles of primary schools built with early ottoman architecture this school is built with a rectangular plan and consists of two domed sections pplaced side since its initial construction it was renovated several times lastly iit was renovated in 1956 and in the Bursa ancient artwork lovers society according to the original plans.

11 Şubat 2019 Pazartesi


Şubat 11, 2019 0
Kuzeydeki giriş kapısı üzerindeki sülüs hat ile yazılmış kitabesinden caminin 1459 yılında Sitti hatun tarafından inşa ettirildiği anlaşılmaktadır Sitti hatun Oruç beyin kızı Fatih Sultan Mehmed in (1451-1481)vezirlerinden zağanos paşa nın da eşidir bulunduğu mahalle sebebiyle kamberler camii adıyla da anılmaktadır asıl ibadet mekanı ve son cemaat yeriyle birlikte dikdörtgen plan şemasına sahiptir bursa mescit erinde sıkça görünen kalkan duvarlı cephesi üç kemerli açıklık şeklindedir asıl badet mekanının kuzeybatı köşesindeki minaresinin külahı miğfer biçimindedir 1956 yılında Bursa tarihi eserleri sevenler kurumu tarafından restore edilmiştir.

the epitaph board placed over this mosgues entrance door at north written in sulus script reveals that this mosgue was built by sıttı hatun in 1459.sıttı hatun was the daughter of oruç bey and the wife of zagonos pasha one of the viziers of mehmet the congueror (1451-1481).due to the neghbourhood where t is situated t is also called kamberler mosgue this mosgue -its main prayer hall together with portico for latecomers -is built with a rectangular ground plan the structures frontage is built with a gable wall an element freguently seen with bursa mesjids it is built with a chord with there arches the structures minaret is situated at the main prayer hall.s north-western corner its spire has a helmet shape in 1956. it was restored by the bursa ancient artwork lovers society.


Şubat 11, 2019 0
Caminin kitabesinde edincikli hızır oğlu yahşi bey tarafından 1471yılında inşa ettirildiği anlaşılmaktadır camiye ismini veren Ahmed Dai Gazi Süleyman paşanın hizmetinde bulunan ve II.Murad döneminde vefat eden ünlü bir şair dir kendisinin cami ile bir ilişkisi olmayıp mahallenin ismi sebebiyle camiye bu isim verilmiştir caminin asıl ibadet mekanı kare planlı olup üzeri tek bir kubbe ile örtülüdür kuzeyde üç bölümlü son cemaat yeri bulunmaktadır caminin girişi Bursa mescit lerinde sıkça görülen kalkan duvarı ile öne çıkarılmıştır.

the epitaph board of this mosgue reveals that this mosgue was builtin 1471 by yahşi bey the son of hizri from edincik ahmed dai who gave his name to this mosgue was a famous poet who served under gazi süleiman pasha and who died during the reing of Murad II.ahmed dai had no relation to this mosgue it was named with the neighbourhoods name the main prayer haal of this mosgue is built with a sguare plan and is covared with a single dome at north there is a portico for latecomers built with there sections the entrance of this mosgue is accentuated by means of a gable wall an element freguently seen with bursa masjids.


Şubat 11, 2019 0
Hamamın yaptıranı ve yapım tarihi kesin olarak bilinmemektedir yapıya ilişkin bulunabilinen en erken tarihli kaydın 1605 yılına ait olması nedeniyle hamamın bu tarihten önce yaptırılmış olduğu kabul edilmektedir ayrıca hamamın Emir Sultan külliyesinin vakıf gelirleri arasında kaydedildiği tarihi kaynaklarda belirtilmektedir sürmeli hamam ve at pazarı hamamı adlarıyla da anılmış olan hamamın (deye oğlu) adı zamanla dayı oğlu şekline dönüşmüş ve halk arasında bu şekilde söylene gelmiştir daye oğlu hamamı erkek ve kadınlar kısmından oluşan bir çifte hamamdır erkekler ve kadınlar kısmının plan şeması ve boyutları birbirinin aynıdır hamamın kadınlar ve erkekler kısımları soğukluk (soyunmalık) ılıklık sıcaklık halvet su deposu ve külhan (ocak) bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır yapı 1605-1684-1759. yıllarında onarım görmüş olup özgün işlevini sürdürmektedir.

 there is no definite information neither on the dete of construction of this hamam or public bath nor on its sponsor due to the fact the earliest record available concerning this structure  is a record from 1605 it is assumed that this hamam was built priorto this date furthermore hitorical sources state that this hamam was recorded among the wagf income of emir sultan külliye complex ıt is also called sürmeli hamam and at pazar hamam (the horse market hamam) the name daye oğlu changed to become dayı oğlu over tıme and the latter is used by the people daye oğlu hamam is a double hamam consisting of mens and a womens section the ground plans and the dimensions of these both sections are equivalent both mens and womens section consist of a cool room (frigidairum or changing cubicle)a warm room (tepidarium) a hot room (caldarium) and a halvet or washing cell section a water reservoir and a kulhan (or boiter room) (oven) each this structure was renovated in 1605-1684 and 1759 and has preserved its original function.

9 Şubat 2019 Cumartesi


Şubat 09, 2019 0
Hüdavendigar külliyesinin merkez yapısı olan cami hüdavendigar şanıyla anılan I.Murad (1360-1389) tarafından 1366 yaptırılmıştır ''I'' planlı (tabhaneli zaviyeli) camilerden olan yapı Osmanlı mimarisinde cami ve medresenin aynı yapı içerisinde iki katlı olarak tasarlandığı tek yapıdır . Taş tuğla ve sivri kemerleriyle dikkat çeken yapıda Bizans dönemi sütun ve sütun başlıkları kullanılmış olup ; yapımında Bizanslı sanatkarların da görev aldığı bilinmektedir. Alt kat; son cemaat yeri, dış sofa, tek kubbeli merkezi alan ile altı odadan olmuşmaktadır. 19. Yüzyılda inşa edilen şadırvanı, merkezi alanın ortasındadır.Cami girişindeki sahanlığın iki yanındaki merdivenlerle çıkılan medresede, dört adet müderris ve muid (müderris yardımcısı) ile on iki adet öğrenci hücresi yer alır. Medresede, Molla Gürani , Zenbilli Ali Efendi , Tacizade Cafer Çelebi gibi şeyhülislamlık da yapmış ünlü kişiler müderrislik yapmıştır. I. Murad Camii çevre düzenlemesi 2013-2014 yıllarında  Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından yaptırılmıştır. 2014 yılında UNESCO Dünya Mirası olarak ilan edilen alan içerisinde yer almaktadır.

MURAD I, THE SOVEREIGN MOSQUE                                         
This mosque, which is the central structure of the ''Hudevendigar Kulliye'' , was built in 1336 by Murad I  called '' Hudavendigar'', or ''The Sovereign'' (1360-1389) The structure, wich is one of those mosques (with guestrooms and prayer sections), whic has a ''I'' shaped plan, is the only structure within Ottoman architecture designed as a two-floor building, inciuding both a mosque and a madrasah in the same buillding. İn the structure, wich stirekes attention with its stone and brick decorations and its pointed arches, columns and capitals of the Byzantine period are used. It is known that craftsmen from Byzantium were also  involved in its construction. The ground floor consists of a portico fot late comers, a outer hall, a central area which is covered with a single dome, and of six rooms. Its shadirwan, or ablution fountain, built in the 19th century is located in the middle of the central area. In the madrasah , which is accessed by staircases locates on both sides of the stair head in the entrance of the mosque, there are four cells for the ''muderris'', or madrasah  teachers, and the ''muid'', or deputy madrasah teacher, as well as twelve disciple cells. Well-known presons such as Molla Gurani, Zennibli Ali Efendi, and Tacizade Cafer Çelebi, were teachers in this madrasah, who also performed the duty of  ''Sheikh ul-Islam'' (the chief religious offical in the Ottoman Empire) Murad Mosque landscaping desing was completed by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality in 2013-2014 Located in the site whic was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2014.


Şubat 09, 2019 0
YILDIRIM COMPLEX                                                                                   
Sultan bayezid received the title of Yıldırım (thunder) because of his heroicacts in bettlefields The childhood of yıldırım bayezid passed in bursa where he took lessons from important scientists of that era in bursa he was well educated in every aspect his father arranged a marriage for him with the daughter of Germiyanoğlu they god married with a fairy tale wedding ceromony according to the will of murad Hüdavendigar who was the governor of kütahya and died a martry in kosava he became the Sultan in 1389 at the age of 29 he lost Ankara war against Timur in 1402 was taken captive by Timur for 7 monts and 12 days and died at the age of 43 on march 8 .1403 his body was transferred to bursa by his son Mehmet Çelebi and he was buried in his complex the names of his Children were Musa Çelebi. Süleiman Çelebi. Mustafa Çelebi.İsa Çelebi.Mehmed Çelebi.Ertuğrul Çelebi.Kasım Çelebi.and Fatma Sultan. 

The mausoleum was constructed by ali the son of architect Hüseyin with the order of Süleyman Çelebi the order son of Yıldırım Bayezid on rebiyülahır h.809/georgian 1406 there are five coffins in the mausoleum whic belong to Yıldırım Bayezid (death.1402) Musa Çelebi.(death.1413) İsa Çelebi.(death.1410) and two unknown women.
İt was built within the Complex it is compesed of 20 rooms around a rectangle porched courtyard
and an open study room similar to aniwan the rooms at corners have two windows and other rooms
have one window and furnace there is a pool in the middle of the courtyard the front façade is made
of cut stones sides are made of rubble stones and bricks today it server as a dispensary.

YILDIRIM MOSQUE                                     
 The mosque was constructed by Sultan Yıldırım Bayezid in 1390-1395.It is one of the '' T '' planned (with a Lodge) mosques. There are two large domes in the North andSouth directions and iwans with small domes at the east and west directions and one room at both sides covered with cross vaults and mirrors. The mosque, which is considered to be one with lodging areaand a small dervish lodge has rooms at the left and right parts of the principal prayer area; these rooms were used by administrative units of the state.Sometimes visitors were hosted in these rooms.The people who were in charge of these room were called ''shaik of the lodge'' or ''head of the room''Decorations inside the mosque is very simple.The minarets of the mosque located on an area frequently taking southwest wind were damaged from different parts for many times and were repaired each time.One of the minarets collapsed in 1854 and the other one 1949 and in 1950s a single minaret was constructed,which is separated from the mosque.Today(2015) after the works of Bursa Metropolitan municipality to reconstruct the original minarets have been completed.Bursa now has a silhouette that was long awaited.

This building was constructed beetwen 1390-1394 by Yıldırım Bayezid on a sloped hill, which makes it interesting.The building is a short distance further away from the complex and has 21 rooms araund the courtyard with a porch and two kitchens, two doctor's room at the sides and one mess hall in the middle. The building is the first hospital of the ottomans.There are two iwans, a countyard with a porch and rooms surrounding them in the building which has a rectangular plan.There are 10 room at each side of the garden.The cramics used in the buildings survived until 1911.The hospital was repaired many times and remained in ruins for a long time and then was restored and turned into an eye hospital.

The small looking building was constructed within the complex with rubble stone and all individual parts are covered with small domes.The building,which was repaired in 1605 and 1671,today belongs to a real person and used as a warehouse and other purposes.
The public kitchen,which does not exist today,was located at the area where a primary school is located today.

YILDIRIM STREAM The stream is also called as the Akçağlayan Stream,was directed from the foothills of Uludağ Mountain by Yıldırım Bayezid firstly to be buildings in the complex and then to other fountains of complexes and mosques.Fountains of Kızık in Hacı Seyfeddin Quarter and Ak Çeşme in front of the Beyazıt Mosque are two of the  many others.This waterway was repaired in 1619,1637,1663,1671