16.Yüzyılda Karaşeyh ünvanlı bir kişi tarafından yaptırıldığı söylenmektedir 8.25x8.25 metre iç ölçülerinde kare planlı olan caminin girişinde 4,30 metre derinlğinde üç bölümlü bir son cemaat yer vardır kalkan duvarlı Camii lerdendir kubbesi sekizgen bir kasnağa oturur yapının girişinde son cemaat yerinin orta kısmı Bursa kemerli üzeri ise sivri kemerlidir son cemaat yerinin üstü kubbe ile örtülüdür camii nin duvarları moloz taşı ve tuğla ile örülmüştür.
It is said that mosgue is founded in 16th centruy by a erson called karaşeyh there is an additional worship hall with 4,30 meters depth in the mosgue which has 8,25x8,25 meters internal sizes ıt is a shield wall mosgue Its dome fits on an octagonal hoop middle part of the additional worship hall is covared with bursa arc and its top with pointed arc the top of additional worship place is covared with a dome walls of the mosgue are consructed fromsand stone and bricks
It is said that mosgue is founded in 16th centruy by a erson called karaşeyh there is an additional worship hall with 4,30 meters depth in the mosgue which has 8,25x8,25 meters internal sizes ıt is a shield wall mosgue Its dome fits on an octagonal hoop middle part of the additional worship hall is covared with bursa arc and its top with pointed arc the top of additional worship place is covared with a dome walls of the mosgue are consructed fromsand stone and bricks